WWII Organizations
44th Infantry Division (7th Army)
This Division was in the 7th Army which arrived in France from the south rather than the Normandy area. Their Army boundary abutted General Patton’s 3rd Army in the area just south of Nancy, France. The 945th FAB, being assigned to the 3rd Army’s XII Corps, was in that area south of Nancy where the two Army boundaries were located.
44th Infantry Division (7th Army) »
BBC World War Two web site
Yhis site has a large selection of information on British operations during World War Two, including the campaigns of General Slim’s 14th Army in the China-India-Burma (CBI) Theatre of Operations. My father served as an American Field Service ambulance driver in the 14th Army from 1943-44. He was at Imphal during the encirclement by Japanese troops.